According to the Office of National Statistics there are four million lone workers in the UK, and about 160 lone workers get attacked every day!
The ‘lone worker’ feature requires the radio user to press their PTT button (on the side of the radio) at pre-determined intervals. If the worker does not check in at the expected time – an emergency procedure is set in motion. Once the worker hasn’t reported back, they’re initially reminded by an audio warning on their radio. If they still do not acknowledge they’re OK (within a set time), an emergency alarm will alert their colleagues or controller. This could be in various forms such as a pre-recorded voice message, text or an audible tone. The lone worker two-way radio alarm can also be integrated into a VoIP Telephone System onsite.
The lone worker feature is perfect for all potential volatile and dangerous situations such as Street Wardens, hospital personnel & Security staff.
Protect your employees today and call us to discuss how lone worker can provide piece of mind for you and your staff.