Security Systems Integration
Security systems integration is becoming a more and more popular method for companies to employ. Our customers find that integrating security systems is a cost-effective method of managing your security systems. It also eases the procedure for the end user and makes managing the various systems far more manageable. Integrating systems also allows for additional functions that would not have previously been available.
ANPR’s can be integrated into various security systems. The technology now exists that allows for ANPR cameras to be integrated into barrier systems, automating gates and barriers with ease.
Fire Alarms
Fire alarms can be integrated into various other systems to show the exact location of an incident in the event of a fire. An example where our customers have utilised this feature; is having the location of a fire display on a digital radio.
Access Control
Access control can be integrated with CCTV systems. This allows for snippets of footage to be viewed with ease, highlighting various events of people entering and exiting the client’s premises throughout the day.
As previously mentioned, CCTV can be integrated with Access Control Systems which allows for our customers to view footage of people entering and exiting the building with access cards.