Radcomm UK is based in Mapperley which is based on is the north-eastern side of Nottingham. Nottingham is a medieval city located in the East-Midlands; approximately 128 miles north of London.
The City is easily accessible from the M1 and has major links to other cities based around the Midlands.
Nottingham is perhaps most famous for the legendary folk tale Robin Hood and has strong links to lace-making, biking and tobacco industries. The city remains a popular tourist destination to this day and currently sits as Britain’s 13th most popular tourist destination.
The city holds a population of 321,550 (2015), or 915,977 if you include the wider urban areas. It has the largest urban area in the East-Midlands and the second largest in the entire Midlands.
Medieval town
The city predates Anglo-Saxon times and was originally known as ‘Tigguo Cobauc’ which roughly translates to ‘place of caves’. When the town eventually fell to Anglo-Saxon rule, it fell under the rule of Saxon chieftain Snot; and thus the city became known as ‘Snotinghaham’.
Castle Town
As a medieval city, it may come as no surprise to discover Nottingham Castle is one of the most popular visiting sites in the city. The castle was erected in 1068 and accepts visitors and tourists today.

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